Sustainability Facts Check!

One of the items that most people must have is clothing. Nudist
Colonies are definitely a rarity, therefore we must all wear clothes or
at least we should at work. (Who wants to be sued for sexual

* It takes 1 pound of polluting chemicals to every 3 pounds of
finished fabric.
* Growing Cotton uses 22.55 of all the insecticides used Globally.
* Growing enough cotton for 1 T-shirt requires 257 gallons of
* The EPA considers 7 of the top 15 pesticides used on cotton in
the USA as ‘to likely’, ‘probability’ to contain human

Advantages of Sustainable Clothing:

* Easy to care for
* Most have natural ‘ingredients’, like UV and insect repellents.
* Durable and Strong
* Timeless Styles: Never go out of style, after all, eco clothing has
been worn for over 1 Million Years.

The most eco, sustainable thing you can do about
clothes is to
* Buy only what you will wear.
* Recycle the clothes you don’t wear.
* Re-purpose your current clothes
* When buying, consider Eco Friendly and organic clothing.

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