The Importance of eCommerce to the Fashion and Apparel Industry

In today’s advance age of technology, what satisfaction means for customers is having access to an entire range of items on their fingertips. Being able to browse through a wide variety of brands on a mobile device, tablet, or a desktop computer, is what people now find convenient. One thing that people frequently browse online are fashion products — this makes the fashion industry the biggest e-commerce sector across the world.

Characteristics of the industry 

Fashion ecommerce is showcased by a range of characteristics. These include:

  • Presentation – The design of any ecommerce website is its lifeblood. It not only has to be easy to read and use, but it also needs to stand out.
  • Service that excels – Many of the best online retailers use promotions and customer service together. By intertwining them, it binds customers to the brand and creates long lasting brand loyalty.
  • Loyalty schemes – The clearest way to build brand loyalty. Reward customers who return again and again. Loyalty schemes are showcased across almost any ecommerce-based business.
  • Alternative marketplaces – Whether this is via EBAY, Facebook marketplace, Amazon or elsewhere, the biggest brands tend to offer other ways to buy their products.
  • Live chat – An easy way for customers with queries to get in touch.
  • Automation – The entire process can be done without conversation with another person. Just a few clicks and purchases are made.

What are fashion shoppers looking for?

Online shopping offers fashion shoppers a new world of opportunity and they are looking to get the most from that. Whether that is from personalising items or gliding through a simple interface on mobile devices, buyers are influenced by a wide range of factors that lead them to prefer the online experience.

Personalization: online shoppers

Online shoppers tend to regard personalised offers highly. Many customers will shop around for the best deal. However, if there is a deal tailored specifically to the person, for example a birthday discount; then the customer will more than likely use that store.

Personalised products have a similar effect with drawing customers away from the competition by offering unique products.

Reviews: building long lasting trust

Over 98% of fashion buyers also stated the importance of reviews. This was down to customers wanting to get an honest perspective of the product they are considering buying. However, reviews were deemed less important when buying through trusted e-retailers with strong return policies.

Customized results: great filtering systems

Finally, fashion shoppers also tend to demand to quickly find the product they want. An easy and effective filter system also contributes to an online shops interface.

The best filtering allows customers to easily access other areas of an online fashion retailer (for example ‘striped shirts > blue striped shirts’). This allows customers to find similar products to the ones they searched for, whilst enjoying their browsing experience. Fashion shoppers may also use a variety of channels to filter for themselves. 

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